
DeiSaku - Fanfic Ch. 8

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DeiSaku – Fanfic
Ch. 8
Sakura ran swiftly through the night. The trees around her seemed to rush past her in blur of dark blues and purples. The moon was shining quite brightly tonight. It illuminated everything. From branch to branch Sakura jumped with the simplest of ease and grace. Like a cat she positioned herself on one of the branches. She crouched down to survey the immediate area. It didn’t seem that there was any threat. She raised her gloved hand and flicked two of her fingers to beckon her comrade forward. Deidara did so. He was not as athletic as his new partner so Sakura kept on having to stop every now and then to let him catch up. She felt this to be quite bothersome.

“Everything is clear,” Sakura stated calmly as if the incident that had happened earlier on that evening did not happen.

Deidara gave her a quick nod and followed her. They sped through the forest without making any sound what so ever. The night had gotten cold now and Sakura could see the clouds from her breathing in front of her. Although she was wearing warmer clothing than usual she was definitely starting to feel the cold affect her.

She landed on the nearest branch and paused for a second. Deidara landed next to her and did the same.

“What is it, Sakura-dana?” Deidara looked intently at his partner.

“There is something wrong, something just doesn’t feel right about this.”

“What do you mean?” Deidara inquired keeping his voice in a whisper.

“Someone is here,” Sakura glared at her surroundings, “I can sense their presence.”

Deidara looked around in the dark. There was definitely someone watching them...but who?

Sakura turned to Deidara, “We will have to be even more careful from now on. If there is any sign at all of movement signal me.”

Deidara nodded, “Understood, un.”

They sped off again but this time making sure that they made no sound at all. Someone was following them, they were absolutely sure of it. But what they didn’t know was who the person or people were or if they were going to attack them or not.

The moon was high in the sky now and it highlighted almost everything it touched. Sakura and Deidara knew that if there were in the moon’s light they would be sitting ducks so they were forced to only run in the shadows of the trees and not in the open anymore.

Deidara looked around in the dark. It was hard to decipher any of his surroundings without his camera eye anymore. Deidara stopped. Something had cracked behind him. He was sure he had heard something or someone. Sakura stopped in turn as well.

“What is it?” Sakura whispered.

Deidara pointed behind him. Sakura nodded. She then reached for her pouch at her hip and slowly drew out one of her kunai. Deidara did the same making sure the kunai did not enter the moon’s light so that it wouldn’t shine in the dark and give away their position.

Deidara took a step forward. An arrow came flying out of nowhere and hit a nearby tree, nearly missing Deidara. Both Sakura and Deidara looked around trying to see where the culprit was. Before they knew it, another arrow came out of nowhere. The arrows were so fast that neither of them could tell where they were coming from.

Sakura gave out a yell of pain. A stray arrow had pierced straight through her shoulder. Deidara rushed to her aid just narrowly dodging another arrow.
Sakura winced as she pulled the arrow out of her shoulder, “I’ll be alright. Find where those arrows are coming from.”

Deidara looked worriedly at her but did as he was told.

He waited for another arrow to come and as soon as one did he threw his kunai as quickly as he could back in retaliation. No use. A new arrow shot through the darkness and scarcely missed Deidara again.

Deidara thought to himself, how was he going to get out of this? He reached down into his pocket; there he had no more kunais.  

“Damn it!” Deidara swore harshly. Then his bitter face turned into a smirk.  

Deidara reached down and unzipped his clay pouch and shoved his hand in. His mouth on his palm stuffed itself with clay and began to chew. Deidara then started to mould the wet clay.

Sakura looked at Deidara wondering what he was going to do.

“So if hiding in the dark is your game,” Deidara began, “Then we’ll just have to lighten things up won’t we, un?”

He then opened his hands and threw a small collection of butterflies into the air and within seconds there was a bright burst of light above them.

Sakura got the gist of Deidara’s plan immediately and scanned their surroundings for their attacker. Sakura smiled along with Deidara as she saw the outline of a person not so far away. She then raced after the offender with such speed that would almost rival Lee. Within seconds Sakura had caught up with the person and had tackled them to the ground.

Deidara watched Sakura fight the person. He quite admired Sakura for her bravery. She was quite strong physically and mentally, he thought.

Sakura gripped onto the man’s shirt and pinned him down. She moved a little bit to the left so as to see the man’s face. It was not one that she had seen before at all. Who was he?

Deidara came up behind her, “Who is it?”

Sakura looked up at her partner, “I don’t know.”

“Let me have a look,” Deidara moved to the side of Sakura and saw the man’s face.

Sakura watched Deidara, “Know him?”

Deidara hesitated for a mere second then shook his head. He hoped that Sakura had not noticed his hesitation.

“What should we do with him?”

Deidara shrugged, “Leave him, he doesn’t deserve to be killed.”

Sakura looked questioningly up at Deidara.

“Just let this be a warning to you,” Deidara kneeled down next to them, “If you try to come after us again, we won’t be so lenient. Come Sakura-dana let’s go.”
With that Sakura and Deidara left the man lying on the damp earth.


“So, do you think we should stop and rest?” Sakura asked Deidara. She was feeling kind of weary from all the running. They had been running for almost six hours straight and the sun would be up soon.

“Yeah, I think we should, I’m pretty thirsty,” Deidara sat down at the edge of the nearby river and cupped his dirty hands in the water.

Sakura sat down next to him.

Deidara drank the cold water.

Sakura stretched and yawned.

“Hey, uh Sakura-dana?”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“I’m sorry about what happened earlier on today,” Deidara looked down in shame.
Sakura smiled, “It’s alright, it’s not like you purposely pushed me that hard, right?”
“Yeah, of course not,” Deidara stuttered.

“Then I guess there is no harm done, no hard –“

Sakura screamed as something wrapped itself around her waist. Deidara grabbed hold of her. Sakura struggled against the thing but it was way too powerful. Sakura felt her breath leave her very lungs as the thing dragged her under the water, leaving a bewildered Deidara at the water’s edge.
Well sorry for the late update but here is chapter 8!

9 - 13 are already written and can be uploaded any time you guys want ^^ oh and 13 is the last chapter in this story just to let you know :P


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lonespiritwarriorcat's avatar
Oh noes a cliffy! Pweez! update soon!